Infographic – Quick Guide to learn Python for Data Science

Karthe 26 Apr, 2018
2 min read


A situation has been described below. Has it ever happened to you?

I wanted to learn Python for Data Science, so I googled ‘I want to learn Python for data science’. Google, effortlessly, provided you the link of all resources to learn Python. Then, you get bemused by the innumerable links available to learn Python. Eventually, you end up contemplating, ‘From where should I begin now?’

Yes ? Don’t worry. Because you will never again face such situations.

There are plethora of resources available to learn programming and data science in Python. It is difficult to find a structured approach to master this language. To solve these problems, we launched learning path for data science in Python.

Today, we take this once step forward and provide you with an infographic for the same. Feel free to circulate this to your friends or take a print out and keep it on your pin-board!

learn python, data science, python resources free

Download the PDF Version of this infographic and save it in your computer by clicking here –> Data Science in Python.pdf

To view the comprehensive version of this learning path, click here: Python learning path resources


Additional Information:

Once you complete the Beginner Level, read this baby steps guides below and proceed to the next level:

1. Baby Steps to Learn Python for Data Analysis

2. Baby Steps in Python – Libraries and Data Structures


Once you reach step 4, follow the baby steps guide shared below:

1. Baby Steps in Python – Exploratory Analysis in Python(Using Pandas)

2. Baby Steps in Python – How to do data munging in Python (Using Pandas)

After this, proceed as per the Infographic.


Incase, you feel any difficulty in learning python, feel free to ask us here.

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Karthe 26 Apr, 2018

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