Exciting updates from Analytics Vidhya – Launch of Trainings and DataHack platform update!

Kunal Jain 10 May, 2019
4 min read


A lot has changed at Analytics Vidhya over last few years.

We transformed from a blog into a community portal. Our small office is buzzing with activities throughout the day (and night). We delivered India’s largest data science conference – DataHack Summit 2017 and are making it bigger this year.

But, one thing has stayed same throughout our journey. This is our commitment to provide world class learning resources to our community. If there is one thing which defines Analytics Vidhya – it is the amount of learning we enable for our community and the impact we have created in their professional careers.

Today, I am excited to announce a couple of updates which will take this learning to the next level.


Launch of Analytics Vidhya training marketplace

Given our focus on enabling learning and our ability to create / differentiate high quality content – building a trainings platform was only a matter of time.


Why create this marketplace?

There is no dearth of trainings available today. But, when it comes to high quality trainings – there are only a few of them available. This is why we decided to create a marketplace where each course is vetted by our standard of creating content. We understand how to enable learning and we will use our knowledge and experience to make sure that every course in this marketplace is vetted for quality.


What can you expect from our trainings marketplace?

We plan to offer a mix of free and paid training courses. Some of these courses will be created by Analytics Vidhya, others by our community members and partners. Every course in our market place will be vetted for quality by Analytics Vidhya.

Each course will cover multiple real life industry problems and would enable you to become better in data science.

If any course falls below our quality threshold – we will not launch it.


Free vs. Paid Courses:

There are a few differences between our Free and Paid courses. Here is a brief summary of them:

  • Free courses come with community support where as paid courses come with support of instructors / teaching assistants.
  • There are no certificates available with free courses. Paid courses come with certificates, which you can generate online once you have finished the course satisfactorily. Only people who complete the course satisfactorily will get the certificates – as we want these certificates to hold a value.


Current Courses in Trainings Marketplace:

There are a range of training courses available on the marketplace today – some free, some paid. All our courses today have an average rating of 4.5 or above on a scale of 1 – 5.

Here is the current spread of courses:

Free Courses:

Paid Courses:

Invite only courses:

  • DataHack Summit – Day 1
  • DataHack Summit – Day 2

All the paid courses are running under introductory pricing for the next 10 days. So, if you plan to buy one – make sure you buy them before end of this month.


Updates to the DataHack platform

In addition to the launch of trainings, we have made a few changes in our DataHack platform. The idea is to help you learn more from each of the competitions we host.

Here are the changes in our DataHack platform:

  1. Participants who registered for a hackathon can now download datasets and check their scores even after competitions – These hackathons will be available for you all year round, with no deadlines. The idea is to enable you to learn as much as you can. You can now continue to fine tune your models, replicate winner’s solutions and upload your results. You can check your scores on the competitions by uploading your solutions. Obviously, the leaderboard will not update on these solutions.
  2. People can share their approach through the platform – If you have participated in a hackathon, you would know the value of this. Going forward, every participant can share their approach with the rest of the community. This approach could be an article, link to your GitHub repo, a video explaining what you did. Just go to the leaderboard and update your solution and the rest of the community can see it. Sharing and collaboration are at the heart of what we do and this is another step towards solidifying that idea


Get Started!

Excited? We are excited as well. Looking forward to hear from you on what you think about these changes. Also, if you have any suggestions / feedback – let us know.

Till then – Happy Learning!

Kunal Jain 10 May, 2019

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