Brace Yourself – DATAFEST 2017 is coming & Call for AV Volunteers!

Kunal Jain 15 Mar, 2017
4 min read

The start

Big things often have small beginnings

What is common between Richard Branson, Pierre Omidyar, Mark Zuckerberg and Colonol Sanders?

They all started small, continuously worked on their idea and made it big. They had an interesting idea or a pet project which they enjoyed. None of them would have realized the true potential of their ideas until they started to build a traction.

In a lot of ways, these stories are similar to our journey at Analytics Vidhya. Obviously, I am comparing our scale to these companies – but there are many parallels in the journey. When I started AV as a blog, I was not very clear about the shape and form it will take. I had no idea what scale it could reach. I only knew I was enjoying what I was doing.

Slowly and steadily things fell in place and we have built one of the largest analytics community across the globe.

The community today

Today, we help millions of people in their pursuit of finding practical knowledge about analytics and data science. We are blessed with a vibrant and active community ready to help other members. I see many people like me on the portal helping other community members. I am sure we have enabled a few thousand careers in analytics and data science.

I see people running their own meetups, whatsapp groups and other ways to take the knowledge forward. The world today looks so different from where I started – when I could not find a place or portal to meet other people in the analytics industry.

Today, I wanted to announce 2 things which would take us to a different level – DATAFEST 2017 and AV Volunteer Program. Read on!



This April, our blog completes 4 years of existence. Like last year, we plan to celebrate the occasion with an a grand online festival – DATAFEST 2017. DATAFEST 2017 would not only be bigger and better – it would be a reflection of our growth and presence today. We plan to come out and celebrate this month like there is no tomorrow (you never know what smart machines will do tomorrow!).


This DATAFEST, we will bring you multiple hackathons, lots of jobs and career opportunities. We will also provide you numerous ways to interact with industry experts. We will make sure your learning reaches new heights and you mark this celebration with ardor and intensity.


Brace yourself – we are on our way!

I am not spilling too many beans today! Today, I can only tell you this DATAFEST is going to be bigger, better and the grandest of all online events we ever did. We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to celebrate this occassion.

You will hear more details from us shortly. In the meanwhile, make sure you register yourself for event updates by signing up here . We will make sure you are the first ones to hear our plans.


Call for Volunteers

Ok – let me announce something special. I could not keep everything to myself. Here is your opportunity to be in middle of the action. We have opened enrollments for our volunteer program. It is a unique program for all the data science evangelists out there.

As part of this program, you will be our torch bearers. You will be the ones who will take our efforts and initiatives to the next level. You will help us define how to make Analytics Vidhya bigger, better and more useful. Last date for registration is 28 Feb.


What do you get as an AV Volunteer?

  • You will become a part of this closely knit group.
  • You will have access to all AV resources and community.
  • You will have access to all our knowledge treasures.
  • You will be the first ones to be considered for recruitment in AV, if there is a vacancy we are looking for.
  • Of course, the fame and the recognition.


What do you need to be an AV Volunteer?

Only a few things

  • Incredible amount of passion and motivation.
  • The desire to make analytics and data science accessible to everyone across the globe.
  • A track record of learning and contributing to the community.
  • Past association with AV and our community


What is expected from you?

  • Be our torch bearers
  • Help out in ways you can – likely a few hours every week


How do you register?

  • Leave your details on this page and we will reach out to you
  • We will understand your motivation and ways in which you will like to help Analytics Vidhya grow to new heights.


Getting back to work

So, that is it for now. I will get back to my to do list. You make sure that you are registered for DATAFEST 2017 updates and register for a volunteer (if you are interested) . Once you have done that, wait and see the magic unfold in next 40 days. See you around.

Kunal Jain 15 Mar, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

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