AV Blogathon is Live – Inspiring a new breed of Data Scientists

Kunal Jain 05 Jan, 2016
3 min read

Do you also have the passion to write and inspire ?

Writing is an art which let’s you convey a piece of information without any criticism. Sometime, it’s difficult to speak and deliver an idea, but you can write it anytime. Have you felt this before?


A Short Story

Jon and Harry felt the same. They both shared a common passion to write. They both wanted to share their knowledge. In other words, both of them wanted to write and inspire people. But, both chose different ways. Jon decided to create his website to share his knowledge. It costed him a lot. More than that, his website demanded dedicated effort and hardwork for scaling it. He failed to keep up.

On the other hard, Harry played smart. He searched for some popular blogs in his domain. He, then connected with one of them. And, published his article on their website. With in few months, he become one of the most sought after thought leader in the industry. He got the recognition which he had never ever dream of!


Moral of the Story: If you are in analytics, take this opportunity and become the next Harry!


Announcing AV Blogathon

I am delighted to announce launch of AV Blogathon. We are inviting bloggers to position themselves as data hackers & thought leaders in the industry. Don’t get mislead by the term ‘blogger’. For us, you are a ‘blogger’, if you know the art of expressing yourself in writing.

All you have to do is pen down your article and make a submission. We will not only publish the best of articles on Analytics Vidhya, but also provide feedback to every writer about their article.

We have grown this community through blogs and if there is some one who would understand the value of a well written article – it is us!

Here is a once in a lifetime opportunity when you can make a mark on our audience and stand a chance to win exciting prizes at the same time!

AV Blogathon


Registration Process

You can drop in your registration here. You will need to create a profile. If your article gets selected, it would be published with the same id.


Win Prizes!

  • Every article which meets Analytics Vidhya standards will get published on Analytics Vidhya. Once it gets published, we’ll ensure that your effort are rewarded.
  • The best articles, as judged by Analytics Vidhya would earn the following prizes:
    • 1st prize – Amazon vouchers worth INR 5,000 (~$100)
    • 2nd prize – Amazon vouchers worth INR 3,000 (~$60)
    • 3rd prize – Amazon vouchers worth INR 2,000 (~ $40)
  • For articles, which don’t meet our standard, we will provide feedback on how to improve the article and your writing.

Don’t let this opportunity pass by you. Its better to act and repent than not to act and regret. Get ready now and start making plans to spread your knowledge.


Rules & Regulations

  • You are free to make as many submissions as you want. But, don’t make multiple submissions of the same article.
  • The submissions would open on 15th January 2016, 00:01 IST and will close after 14th February 2016, 23:59 IST (GMT + 5:30 hrs)
  • You are not allowed to re-publish any of your article else where until and unless discussed with Analytics Vidhya.
  • Analytics Vidhya owns the right to disqualify / reject any submission with out any explanation.
  • The decision for best entry, as declared by Analytics Vidhya would be final.


Guidelines for Writing Articles

  • All participating bloggers must adhere to the highest standards of creating content that is accurate, informative, well-structured and entertaining at the same time.
  • The sole purpose behind writing and publishing an article should be to add value to the audience. The audience should get something unique and feel value addition after reading the article. This unique feature could be something you have learnt over the years, a trick you might have discovered / invented, tips you have learnt through your experience
  • Remember the old saying “A picture speaks a thousand word”. Same applies to blogging. Visuals, charts and diagrams make your article more readable.
  • Content cannot contain obscene, indecent, or profane material or links to such material.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If short excerpts of copyrighted material are used, the original source and author must be cited.
  • The purpose of an article cannot be to expressively sell merchandise or promote a business that sells merchandise.
  • The tone of voice on Analytics Vidhya is polite, down to earth and informative. Try and keep the same in your article.
  • Try and keep the article interactive. Invite comments at places, ask questions and take opinions wherever possible.

Sounds like fun? 

Join the competition and get ready to take away a bundle of knowledge and expertise!

Kunal Jain 05 Jan, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

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