Better, faster and more helpful Analytics Vidhya is now live!

Kunal Jain 18 Apr, 2015
< 1 min read

If you are reading this article, you would have seen the new look of Analytics Vidhya by now! I can’t tell how much we love this new avatar – you have to feel it! The colors of the site closely resemble the colors of our logo and so does the character – it is dynamic, exciting and full of useful content.

Analytics Vidhya


With this change, we take one more step in making Analytics Vidhya incredibly useful to its readers. In case you have missed the action – we launched our discussion platform and learning paths in January.

Here are a few features to note about the new site:

  • Better layout
  • Re-arranged Top Menu bar
  • Faster loading time
  • Mobile friendly interface

I could go on and tell you about these features and then some more, but that wouldn’t help.

I would love to hear what you think about the new look of Analytics Vidhya. Can you find the content more easily? Do you want some more addition? Do you want some changes in the layout? How does it look on your mobile devices? How fast does it load?

You are the best judge to all these questions. Do share your experience with us – we love to hear what you say.

If you like what you just read & want to continue your analytics learning, subscribe to our emailsfollow us on twitter or like our facebook page.

Kunal Jain 18 Apr, 2015

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