This recruitment is insteresting! White Capers is looking to hire young and confident analysts from the industry (i.e. less work experience). Look at the requirements below. If you think, you fit in these shoes, solve the case study mentioned and grab your chances!
Designation – Senior Associate – Customer Analytics
Location – Gurgaon
About employer – White Capers
Job Description:
The purpose of the role is to ensure timely and accurate delivery of projects related to the area of Data Analytics by constantly communicating with the client to understand project scope and updates, and managing day-to-day communication with the team members.
Qualification and Skills Required:
Special Requirement:
A case study is intended for all the job applicants who are interested to join White Capers for employment. They need to solve this one before applying to White Capers. Resume alone won’t do.
People can find the Case Study and can also apply at this PAGE.
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