Sadly, not many Organizations realize the amount and value of learning which can happen through testing. On one hand, there are Organizations like Google, Amazon, Capital One where testing is an integral part of the culture. On the other hand, there are Organizations which are unaware of testing and how to use it for generating key insights about your business.
[stextbox id=”section”]For the starters, what is testing / experimentation?[/stextbox]
Simply put, testing is learning through experimentation. Let us take a simple example. Imagine that you are responsible for Sales conversion of new customers for an e-commerce retailer. Your website currently has a 4 step check-out process. Your hypothesis is that by condensing this form to 3 steps (there by increasing length of some steps), you will be able to increase the conversion.
While you can try and answer this basis data (by looking at competitors, past experience (if any)), you can not find out the answer until you test it out. So, the easiest solution is to take half of your customers through proposed 3 step process (commonly called Champion) and the other half through existing 4 step process (Challenger or Control group). Run the test long enough to have statistically significant reads on conversion and check out what works for your customers and your website.
For reading more on need and importance of testing, click here
[stextbox id=”section”]The process of testing:[/stextbox]
While the process of testing is simple, it requires high level of diligence and attention to details. To some extent, the skill of testing and analyzing tests effectively is like a vintage wine. The more time you spend practicing, the better you become at it.
Following is a schematic of how life cycle of a typical test looks. Overall process can be divided in 4 parts:
In order to make sure that you get the maximum value out of any testing, it is very critical that you get the design right.
While each of these step is critical, the focus of this post is to provide a list of questions to be asked at design stage in order to gain the most out of these tests. These questions can suffice as a checklist to make sure you have considered all critical aspects of test design.
[stextbox id=”section”]Questions to ask when designing test:[/stextbox]
Answering these 19 questions in a disciplined manner will help you identify any gaps in your test design. More often than not, that would mean significant savings in terms of resource and opportunity costs.
What do you think about these questions? Do you think they can help you create a better test design? Are there any other question you think should be part of this list? Please share your thoughts on these questions in the comments below.
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