Welcome to Analytics Vidhya!

Kunal Jain 24 Apr, 2015
3 min read

analytics technology

Welcome to Analytics Vidhya!

For those of you, who are wondering what is “Analytics Vidhya”, “Analytics” can be defined as the science of extracting insights from raw data. The spectrum of analytics starts from capturing data and evolves into using insights / trends from this data to make informed decisions. “Vidhya” on the other hand is a Sanskrit noun meaning “Knowledge” or “Clarity on a subject”. Knowledge, which has been gained through reading literature or through self practice / experimentation.

Through this blog, I want to create a passionate community, which dedicates itself in study of Analytics. I share my learning and tips on Analytics through this blog.

[stextbox id=”section”]Why study Analytics? [/stextbox]

With growing data and complexity, data analytics will become a competitive advantage for companies doing it well.  Have you ever wondered how social networking sites like Facebook and Linkedin can suggest you friends in near time? How can Google use its search query data to identify areas under pandemic influence? How can a grocery store predict pregnancy of its customer even before it was known to her family?

All of these are examples of analytics at work in real time. And this is just the start. With increasing usage of mobile devices and digitization across the globe, advantages of investing in cutting edge analytics are unlimited.

According to Harvard Business Review (October 2012 edition), job of a data scientist is the sexiest job of 21st century. If you are still not convinced, look at some of the trends on Business Analytics related keywords (as per Google Trends):

[stextbox id=”section”]How can this blog help? [/stextbox]

While the need for analytics experts is clear, the shortage is shocking!

According to the McKinsey Global Institute (In a May 2011 report): “By 2018, the United States alone could face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills as well as 1.5 million managers and analysts with the know-how to use the analysis of big data to make effective decisions.”

Imagine what would be the number across the globe…

While this blog would not be able to cover shortfall of this magnitude, it can certainly provide resources for people willing to learn the subject.

[stextbox id=”section”]What can you find on this blog?[/stextbox]

I aim to provide as many resources as possible for learning analytics. These resources include:

  1. Training and tutorials: Stuff to get you going
  2. Tips and tricks related to Business Analytics and Business Intelligence tools
  3. Case studies: Case studies of problems and their analytical solutions
  4. Interviews of Business Analytics & Business Intelligence leaders

[stextbox id=”section”]Who am I?[/stextbox]

I am Kunal Jain, a post graduate from IIT Bomaby in Aerospace Engineering. I have spent more than 6 years in field of Business Analytics. My work experience ranges from mature markets like UK to a developing market like India. Over last 3 years, I have been instrumental in setting up a Business Analytics & Intelligence team in a multi national Insurance company. During these 6 years, I have worked with tools like SAS, SPSS, Qlikview, R and Matlab. For any queries ir questions, please feel free to reach out to me on [email protected]

Image credit: 123rf.com

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Kunal Jain 24 Apr, 2015

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